Giorgio Tozzi/Coro del Teatro dell'Opera di Roma/Orchestra del Teatro dell'Opera di Roma/Plinio Clabassi/Rita Gorr/Jon Vickers/Leontyne Price/Robert Merrill/Sir Georg Solti Текст Видео
Verdi: Aida / Act 2 - Gloria all'Egitto, ad Iside 03:12
Mirella Giardelli/Les Musiciens du Louvre/Magdalena Kozená/Marc Minkowski Текст Видео
Handel: Salve Regina HWV 241 - Ad te clamamus 03:48
Orchestra Quartetto Amati Текст Видео
In Nativitate Domini, Ad matutinum, In Primo Nocturno: VI. Prosa/trop Fac, Deus, Munda Corpora Nostra 12:02
Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna/Hubert Dopf S.J. Текст Видео
Gregorian Chant: Laetentur caeli - Offertorium IV/In Nativitate Domini ad missam in nocte 01:05
Thomas Trotter Текст Видео
Liszt: Fantasy and Fugue on "Ad nos, ad salutarem undam", S. 259 - 1. Moderato 10:31
Michael Chance Текст Видео
J.S. Bach: Mass In B Minor, BWV 232 / Gloria - Qui sedes ad dexteram Patris 04:23
Dilşad Текст Видео
Kevokê 05:56
Jiří Suchý Текст Видео
Slečna v sedmý řadě 02:15
Hubert Dopf S.J./Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna Текст Видео
Gregorian Chant: Deus enim - Offertorium VIII/In Nativitate Domini ad missam in aurora 01:32
Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna Текст Видео
Anonymous: Pascha nostrum - Communio VI ad Tempus Paschale, Dominica Resurrectionis 01:15
Zann Текст Видео
Ad III 06:38
Concerto Italiano, Rinaldo Alessandrini Текст Видео
Domine ad adiuvandum me festina: Allegro 02:15
Hubert Dopf S.J./Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna Текст Видео
Gregorian Chant: Tu es Petrus - Communio (VI) from: Proprium de Sanctis. Festa Junii 29. SS. Apostolorum Petri et Pauli. Ad Missam in die 01:38
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Ruth Ziesak Текст Видео
Salve Regina for Soprano, Strings and B.c. in C minor: Ad te suspiramus 03:03
Hubert Dopf S.J./Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna Текст Видео
Gregorian Chant: Viderunt omnes - Communio I/In Nativitate Domini ad missam in die 01:45
Chor der Wiener Staatsoper/Wiener Philharmoniker/Herbert von Karajan Текст Видео
Aida: Gloria all Egitto, ad Iside (Popolo/Sacerdoti) 03:25
Sir Neville Marriner Текст Видео J.S. Bach: Mass in B minor / Gloria - Qui sedes ad dexteram Patris 05:07
Théodore Paraskivesco Текст Видео
Children's Corner: I. Doctor Gradus ad Parnassum 02:33
Coro Magnificat, Giovanni Lee Dae Sung Текст Видео
Ad primam missam in nocte: Credo 04:09
Hubert Dopf S.J./Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna Текст Видео
Gregorian Chant: Christus factus est - Graduale V ad Tempus Quadragesimae, Hebdomada sancta 02:29
Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna/Hubert Dopf S.J. Текст Видео
Gregorian Chant: Eripe me - Graduale III ad Tempus Quadragesimae, Hebdomada V 05:37
Hubert Dopf S.J./Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna Текст Видео
Gregorian Chant: Lux fulgebit - Introitus VIII/In Nativitate Domini ad missam in aurora 03:00
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach Chamber Orchestra Текст Видео
II. Largo. Pastorale ad libitum from Concerto Grosso in G minor, Op. 6, No. 8, "Christmas Concerto" (Instrumental) 04:31
Trevor Pinnock Текст Видео Vivaldi: Salve Regina, R.616 (Antiphona) - 2. "Ad te clamamus" (Allegro) 01:38
Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna/Hubert Dopf S.J. Текст Видео
Gregorian Chant: Hosanna filio David - Antiphona VII ad Tempus Quadragesimae, Hebdomada sancta 01:51
Gordon Fergus-Thompson Текст Видео
Debussy: Children's Corner, L. 113 - 1. Doctor Gradus ad Parnassum 02:12
Catherine Dubosc/Westminster Singers/City of London Sinfonia/Richard Hickox Текст Видео
Gloria: Qui sedes ad dexteram Patris 06:41
Capella de la Torre Текст Видео
Ad una fresca riva 03:00
Ad Brown Текст Видео Good Feeling (Original Mix) (Original Mix) 06:34
Massimo Zamboni, Angela Baraldi Текст Видео
Ad ora incerta 04:06
Hubert Dopf S.J./Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna Текст Видео
Gregorian Chant: Alleluia. Dominus regnavit - Alleluia II/In Nativitate Domini ad missam in aurora 02:23
The Ras Project Текст Видео
Halma Wa Ba'ad (feat. Rechela Hadawi, Aharale Liberman, Avshalom Farjun, Itamar Doari, Mark Smulian, Ofer Meir Ankori & Selim Abu Sliman) 04:08
Arturo Toscanini Текст Видео
Gloria all'Egitto, ad Iside 01:09
Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna/Hubert Dopf S.J. Текст Видео
Gregorian Chant: Confitebor tibi - Offertorium I ad Tempus Quadragesimae, Hebdomada V 01:50
Abdullah Polatçı Текст Видео
Burası Adıyaman 04:23
Hubert Dopf S.J./Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna Текст Видео
Gregorian Chant: Alleluia. Dextera Dei - (IV) ad Tempus Paschale, Hebdomada V 01:56
Thomas Schippers Текст Видео
Ad augusta! - Si ridesti il leon di Castiglia 05:35
Patricia Petibon, Orchestre de Paris, Paavo Järvi, Choeur de l'Orchestre de Paris Текст Видео
Poulenc: Gloria - 6. Qui sedes ad dexteram Patris 06:08
Torsten Laux Текст Видео
Fantasie und Fuge über den Choral Ad nos, ad salutarem undam, S. 259 32:22
AD Текст Видео Timing (feat. DUBB) 03:23
Maria Ciobanu Текст Видео
Toată Iarna-Mi Adăstai 05:42
Alfred Deller, Wilfred Brown, Desmond Dupre, Harry Gabb Текст Видео
François Couperin: Leçons de Ténébres: Troisième Leçon (a2): VII. Jerusalem, convertere ad Dominum Deum tuum 02:20
Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna Текст Видео
Anonymous: Regina caeli - Antiphona (VI) from Cantus Ordinarii Officii. Dominica ad Completorium. 01:34
Amalia Текст Видео Luxurious 04:41
Bedia Akartürk Текст Видео
Adıyaman Türküsü 03:56
Emma Kirkby Текст Видео Pergolesi: Salve Regina in C minor (1736) - 2. Ad te clamamus 04:15
The English Concert Choir/Catherine Denly/Trevor Pinnock/The English Concert Текст Видео
Vivaldi: Gloria In D, R.589 - G.Ricordi 1970, Ed. Malipiero - 10. Qui sedes ad dexteram Patris 02:45
X-Fucktones Текст Видео
Vacanze ad Okinawa 03:41
Antonio de Cabezon Текст Видео
Ad Dominum cum tribularer, fugue a 4 avec soprano 04:18
Empress AD Текст Видео
Did We See 03:53
José Van Dam;Ruggero Raimondi Текст Видео
Io deggio ad ogni patto... 01:41
Choeur de moines de l'Abbaye Notre-Dame de Fontgombault, Dom G. Duchène Текст Видео
Gregorian Chant: Dedication of a Church (Kirchweihe/Dédicace d'une église) - Antiphona ad Magnificat: O quam metuendus est 00:43
Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna/Hubert Dopf S.J. Текст Видео
Gregorian Chant: Crucem tuam - Antiphona IV ad Tempus Quadragesimae, Hebdomada sancta 01:54
Fusion Generation Project Текст Видео
Ad Libitum 2 04:19
Hubert Dopf S.J./Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna Текст Видео
Gregorian Chant: Sanctus (VI) - from: Cantus in Ordine Missae Occurrentes. Kyriale, Ordinarium XVIII, Ad Missam pro defunctis 00:45
Cantus Cölln Текст Видео
Vespro della Beata Vergine, SV 206: Deus in adiutorium Domine ad adjuvandum (Intonatio) 02:15
Claudio Scimone Текст Видео Rossini : Ermione : Act 2 "Parmi, che ad ogn'istante" 03:13
Brilliant Dadaşova Текст Видео
Yaşadım Səni 05:02
TCF Текст Видео
D7 08 2a 8D 2a 37 Fa Fe 17 0E 62 39 06 81 C8 a1 49 30 6F Ed 56 AD 5E 04 01:24
Franz Liszt Текст Видео Fantasy and Fugue on "Ad nos, ad salutarem undam", S. 259: III. Allegro deciso - Fuga (Allegretto con moto) 11:19
Gérard Lesne Текст Видео
H 403, 2nde symphonie de l'enchantement (Ecquid ad surdos nunc spargo..) 02:12
Mieczyslaw Horszowski Текст Видео
Claude Debussy: Children's Corner; Doctor Gradus ad Parnassum 02:30
AD Bourke Текст Видео Aries 03:34
Maria Callas Текст Видео I Vespri Siciliani, Act 4: De profundis clamavi ad te, Domine 03:07
Acceptance Текст Видео Ad Astra Per Aspera (Instrumental) 01:19
Bauhaus Текст Видео God in an Alcove (Flexidisc Version) (AD 3) 04:10
Ahmet Faruk Ayaz Текст Видео
Adım Adım İleri (Rast İlâhi) (Rast İlâhi) 04:26
Roni Dani Din Levi Текст Видео
Ad Shetachzeri 03:37
Angèle Arsenault Текст Видео
Personal Ad 03:02
Cengiz Kurtoğlu Текст Видео
Adı Hasret 04:44
Skence Текст Видео
Ad Lib 02:33
Masterplan Текст Видео Intro - Per Aspera Ad Astra (Live at Masters of Rock) (Live at Masters of Rock) 01:22
Rinaldo Alessandrini Текст Видео
Gloria RV589: Qui sedes ad dexteram Patris,Allegro 02:05
Sezai Efiloğlu Текст Видео
Sen Bana Adını Bağışlarmısın 03:29
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320 Кб/с
Sir Thomas Allen/Richard Van Allan/London Philharmonic Orchestra/Bernard Haitink Текст Видео
Don Giovanni K527, ATTO PRIMO, Scena terza: Recitativo: Io deggio ad agni patto (Leporello/Don Giovanni) 01:41
Gérard Lesne - Jacques Bona - Ian Honeyman - Il Seminario Musicale - Agnès Mellon Текст Видео
Leçons de Ténèbres : Office du Vendredi Saint : Premier répons Tanquam ad latronem, H.133 03:45
Bidiel Текст Видео
Lettera ad un vivo 03:43
Ad & The Music Comrades Текст Видео
Lom Hai Jai Kong A Na Kod 05:05
Ishtar Текст Видео Ad mahar 03:44
Pariente's Soulmates Текст Видео
Ad Matay (feat. Lea Zlotnik) 06:17
Walter testolin, RossoPorpora Текст Видео
Membra Jesu nostri, BuxWV 75, Cantata I "Ad pedes": VI. Concerto II. Ecce super montes 01:51
Claudio Abbado/Orchestra Mozart/Julia Kleiter Текст Видео
Pergolesi: Salve Regina in C Minor - 2. Ad te clamamus 03:54
Intruder [A Murk Production] Текст Видео
Amame (feat. Jei) (feat. Jei) 08:29
Ort Orchestra Della Toscana, Paolo Poli Текст Видео
Pierino e il lupo: «ad un tratto il nonno» 05:55