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FancyТекстВидео Flame Of Love(Flames of love, flames of love I'm drowning in the sea of love And enough is never enough When I find myself deep in your eyes Over and over again Flames of love)05:21
Lara FabianТекстВидео It used to be - I believed I could go on and find someone to Rest upon, anyone, anyone... Soon I found - There was no other, There you are, Framed against the sky! You are my life, and I pray for when You will be mine... To love again03:46
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James BluntТекстВидео When I Find Love Again (S!D Remix) [Realtones™]00:37
2.1 МБ 320 Кб/с
(Рингтон) James BluntТекстВидео When I Find Love Again - Solovey.su00:54