Chamber Choir, Lege Artis Текст Видео
Velikoe Slavoslovie, Serbian Greater Doxology, For male choir 03:56
Chamber Choir, Lege Artis Текст Видео
Byzantine Liturgy: Dostoino est (It is worthy), For male choir 01:46
Chamber Choir, Lege Artis Текст Видео
Blagosloven esi, Gospodi, Znamenny chant for male choir 02:46
Chamber Choir, Lege Artis Текст Видео
Serbian Liturgy: Izhe kheruvimy, For male choir 07:58
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Kheruvimskaya pesn 04:09
Chamber Choir, Lege Artis Текст Видео
Liturgy: Izhe kheruvimy, For male choir 05:42
Chamber Choir, Lege Artis Текст Видео
Hymn for the Annunciation: Sovet predvechnyi (Harmony Everlasting), For female choir 04:48
Chamber Choir, Lege Artis Текст Видео
Liturgy: Dostoino est (It is worthy), For mixed choir 02:18
Chamber Choir, Lege Artis Текст Видео
Liturgy: Dostoino i pravedno est (It is meet and worthy), For male choir 01:30
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Greater Doxology 07:46
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
A Great And Marvelous Wonder 02:16
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Song of the Cherubim No. 7 04:12
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Holy Mother of God 02:23
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Looking from Heaven 02:51
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Veruyu (Credo) (1964 version) 02:09
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
O Gentle Light of Holy Glory 03:09
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Hail to Thee, Mother of God 02:11
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
No One Who Comes to You 02:52
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Sieben Lieder, Op. 62 : Rosmarin 01:57
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Liturgy: Izhe kheruvimy, For male choir 05:44
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Open the Gates of Mercy 01:24
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Kheruvimskaya pesn' (Song of the Cherubim) 08:26
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Open the Gates of Mercy 01:58
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Kheruvimskaya pesn 04:11
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Song of the Cherubim 05:00
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
The Three-Lamped Light 02:20
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Why Hast Thou Rejected Me 03:24
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Come, Let Us Worship 03:44
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Dein Herzlein mild (Your Gentle Heart), No. 4, Op. 62 01:29
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Razboinik na kreste (The Thief on the Cross), For mixed choir 02:51
Chamber Choir, Lege Artis Текст Видео
Dnes' rozhdaet Deva, Hymn for the Birth of Christ, For female choir 01:51
Chamber Choir, Lege Artis Текст Видео
Liturgy: Vo tsarstvii Tvoem (In Thy Kingdom), For male choir 03:02
Chamber Choir, Lege Artis Текст Видео
Ot Anny Dnes', Hymn for the Birth of the Virgin, For female choir 01:56
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Serbian Liturgy: Izhe kheruvimy, For male choir 08:00
Chamber Choir, Lege Artis Текст Видео
V shestyi mesyats, Hymn for the Annunciation, For mixed choir 01:53
Chamber Choir, Lege Artis Текст Видео
Voshel esi vo Tserkov, 8-part hymn by M.Diletskii, For mixed choir 06:05
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Now the Heavenly Powers Deal Invisibly with Us 03:22
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Otce nahsh - Our Father (The Lord's Prayer) 01:10
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
An Angel Hath Exclaimed, No. 18, Op. 22 03:02
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Letztes Glück (Last Happiness), No. 3, Op. 104 02:21
Chamber Choir, Lege Artis Текст Видео
Razboinik na kreste (The Thief on the Cross), For mixed choir 02:49
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Three Sacred Chorales : Gospodi Iisuse (Jesus, Our Lord) 01:37
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Liturgy Of St. John Chrysostom, Op. 31 : Credo 05:35
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Bogoroditse, Devo, raduisya (Hail to Thee, Mother of God) 00:53
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Liturgy: Dostoino est (It is worthy), For mixed choir 02:21
Chamber Choir, Lege Artis Текст Видео
Arkhangelskii glas vopiem, Hymn for the Birth of the Virgin, For female choir 02:26
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
All Creation Rejoices In Thee, Thou That Full Of Grace 01:58
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Praise the Name of the Lord, No. 5, Op. 44 02:28
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Byzantine Liturgy: Dostoino est (It is worthy), For male choir 01:47
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Vier Gesänge (Four Songs), Op. 59 : Jägerlied (Hunting Song) 01:02
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
We Praise Thee, o God No. 2 in F Major 01:14
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Liturgy: Vo tsarstvii Tvoem (In Thy Kingdom), For male choir 03:05
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
We Praise Thee, o God No. 4 in G Major 01:02
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
V shestyi mesyats, Hymn for the Annunciation, For mixed choir 01:56
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Let Us Take Refuge in the Holy Mother of God 03:52
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Sieben Lieder, Op. 62 : Vergangen ist mir Glück und Heil 04:55
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Sieben Lieder, Op. 62 : Vergangen ist mir Glück und Heil 04:55
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Vier Gesänge (Four Songs), Op. 59 : Gute Nacht (Good Night) 01:19
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Liturgy Of St. John Chrysostom, Op. 31 : Gloria-The Only-Begotten Son 02:08
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Von alten Liebesliedern (About Ancient Love Songs), No. 2, Op. 62 02:01
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Hymn for the Annunciation: Sovet predvechnyi (Harmony Everlasting), For female choir 04:50
Chamber Choir, Lege Artis Текст Видео
Raduisya Ioakhim i Anna (Rejoice, Joachim and Anna!). Hymn for the Birth of the Virgin, For mixed choir 00:52
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Choral Concerto No. 34: Let God Arise, Let his Enemies be Scatterred 05:52
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Liturgy Of St. John Chrysostom, Op. 31 : Come, Let Us Worship 01:15
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Three Sacred Chorales : Otche nash (Our Father - The Lord's Prayer) 02:56
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Na severe dikom - In the Wild North - Im wilden Norden 03:01
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Choral Concerto : Pomyshlyayu den strashniy (I Think Upon the Fearful Day) 05:11
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Liturgy Of St. John Chrysostom, Op. 31 : A Mercy Of Peace 03:54
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Vier Gesänge (Four Songs), Op. 59 : Am Bodensee (At the Bodensee) 03:29
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Voshel esi vo Tserkov, Pt. 8 hymn by M.Diletskii, For mixed choir 06:05
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Meet it is, in Truth, to Bless Thee No. 3, Op. 38 01:55
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Liturgy Of St. John Chrysostom, Op. 31 : Song of the Cherubim 04:14
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Pridi ko mnye - Come To Me - Komme zu mir 02:27
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Arkhangelskii glas vopiem, Hymn for the Birth of the Virgin, For female choir 02:28
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Sieben Lieder, Op. 62 : Waldesnacht (A Night in the Woods) from "Jungbrunnen" 04:59
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Liturgy: Dostoino i pravedno est (It is meet and worthy), For male choir 01:32
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Liturgy Of St. John Chrysostom, Op. 31 : Our Father (The Lord`s Prayer) 03:37
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Ot Anny Dnes', Hymn for the Birth of the Virgin, For female choir 02:00
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Three Sacred Chorales : Bogoroditse, Devo, raduisya (Hail to Thee, Mother of God) 01:10
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
7 Lieder, Op. 62 : 4. Dein Herzlein mild 01:17
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
All Night Vigil, Op. 37 (excerpt) : No. 1 (Come, Let Us Worship) 01:59
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Liturgy Of St. John Chrysostom, Op. 31 : Praise the Lord from the Heavens 02:10
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Vier Gesänge (Four Songs), Op. 59 : I. Nord oder Süd (North or South) 05:20
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Liturgy Of St. John Chrysostom, Op. 31 : In Thy Kingdom Remember Us-Blessed Are 04:56
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Liturgy Of St. John Chrysostom, Op. 31 : We Hymn Thee, We Bless Thee 02:21
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Sieben Lieder, Op. 62 : All meine Herzgedanken (All My Heartfelt Thoughts) from "Jungbrunnen" 03:54
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Vier Gesänge (Four Songs), Op. 59 : I. Nord oder Süd (North or South) 05:20
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Sieben Lieder, Op. 62 : Es geht ein Wehen (Sorrow is Come) from "Jungbrunnen" 02:09
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Liturgy Of St. John Chrysostom, Op. 31 : O Lord, Save The Pious-Holy God 02:49
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Prayers (from the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom) : Edinorodniy Syne (The Only-begotten Son) 03:46
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Dolcissima mia vita - Sweet Is My Life - Mein süßes Leben 01:59
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom No. 2 : K Bogoroditse prilezhno (To the Mother of God Let Us Hasten) 04:36
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Prayers (from the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom) : Kheruvimskaya pesn (Song of the Cherubim) 04:45
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Raduisya Ioakhim i Anna (Rejoice, Joachim and Anna!). Hymn for the Birth of the Virgin, For mixed choir 00:54
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Prayers (from the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom) : Blagoslovi, dushe moya, Gospoda (Praise the Lord, O My Soul) 03:12
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Ioakhim i Anna (Joachim and Anna), Pt. 16 hymn for the Birth of the Virgin, For mixed choir 03:41
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Liturgy Of St. John Chrysostom, Op. 31 : Blessed Is He That Comth - We Have Seen the true Light 01:15
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Sieben Lieder, Op. 62 : Von alten Liebesliedern. About Ancient Love Songs from" Des Knaben Wunderhorn" 02:12
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Prayers (from the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom) : Otche nash Our Father (The Lord's Prayer) 02:20
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Liturgy Of St. John Chrysostom, Op. 31 : Blessed Be the Name Of The Lord 00:52
Chamber Choir Lege Artis Текст Видео
Liturgy Of St. John Chrysostom, Op. 31 : Psalm 103: Bless The God, My Soul-Lord Have Mercy 04:21