Teikokukagekidan Hanagumi Текст Видео
Geki! Teikokukagekidan (Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OP) (TV-Size) 01:29
Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation Текст Видео
Battle - Miko-kai 01:48
Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation Текст Видео
New Companion 01:58
Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation Текст Видео
Cherry Blossom Breeze 01:19
Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation Текст Видео
Jealousy - Shaking Heart 01:53
Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation Текст Видео
Demon Layka Battle 02:09
Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation Текст Видео
Klara's Awakening 01:25
Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation Текст Видео
Dictator's Bolero 03:05
Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation Текст Видео
Sevastapol - Surpress the Capital City 01:42
Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation Текст Видео
Hatsuho's Dedication Dance 01:56
Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation Текст Видео
Comical Intelligence Assessment 02:04
Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation Текст Видео
Nostalgia - Rojina's Memories Viola only 01:57
Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation Текст Видео
The Rage of Tunguska 01:32
Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation Текст Видео
Leyla and Klara - The Two's Past 03:26
Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation Текст Видео
Sakura's Defeat 01:56
Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation Текст Видео
Kaminski's Theme (Magnificent) 01:56
Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation Текст Видео
Comical Cat and Mouse Race (Unused) 01:33
帝国歌劇団[天宮さくら(CV.佐倉綾音)、東雲初穂(CV.内田真礼)、望月あざみ(CV.山 Текст Видео
桜夢見し [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation ED][AnimeNewMusic] 04:07
田中 公平 Текст Видео
銀座のテーマ [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST5][AnimeNewMusic] 02:18
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愛のテーマ [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST15][AnimeNewMusic] 02:43
帝国歌劇団[天宮さくら(CV.佐倉綾音)、東雲初穂(CV.内田真礼)、望月あざみ(CV.山 Текст Видео
桜夢見しテレビサイズ [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST][AnimeNewMusic] 01:32
帝国歌劇団・花組[天宮さくら(CV.佐倉綾音)、東雲初穂(CV.内田真礼)、望月あ Текст Видео
桜夢見し~花組~ [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST][AnimeNewMusic] 04:07
田中 公平 Текст Видео
夜叉のテーマ [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST45][AnimeNewMusic] 04:07
Teikokukagekidan Hanagumi Текст Видео
Sakura Yumishi (Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation ED) (TV-Size) 01:29
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楽しいテーマ [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST12][AnimeNewMusic] 02:41
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上海華撃団のテーマ(バトル) [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST32][AnimeNewMusic] 04:20
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さくらの実家 [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST8][AnimeNewMusic] 02:26
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一件落着 [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST27][AnimeNewMusic] 02:31
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帝国華撃団・月組のテーマB [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST26][AnimeNewMusic] 01:57
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さくらのテーマ [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST17][AnimeNewMusic] 02:06
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作戦会議のテーマ [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST36][AnimeNewMusic] 01:48
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戦艦ミカサ、発進A [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST77][AnimeNewMusic] 00:51
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アナスタシアのテーマ [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST20][AnimeNewMusic] 02:25
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奇跡の鐘(太正二十九年版)(BGM版) [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST74][AnimeNewMusic] 06:29
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クラリスのテーマ [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST21][AnimeNewMusic] 02:25
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帝国華撃団・月組のテーマA [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST25][AnimeNewMusic] 01:51
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幻都封印 [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST86][AnimeNewMusic] 01:34
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華撃団大戦会場 [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST31][AnimeNewMusic] 02:38
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怒りのテーマ [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST10][AnimeNewMusic] 02:16
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バトルのテーマB [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST41][AnimeNewMusic] 02:46
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幼き日の真実 [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST83][AnimeNewMusic] 01:20
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上海&倫敦華撃団の活躍 [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST80][AnimeNewMusic] 01:40
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公園のテーマ [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST6][AnimeNewMusic] 02:23
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世界華撃団大戦のテーマ [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST65][AnimeNewMusic] 01:50
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朧のテーマ [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST48][AnimeNewMusic] 02:49
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上海華撃団のテーマ [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST22][AnimeNewMusic] 01:57
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敵の暗躍のテーマ [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST35][AnimeNewMusic] 02:10
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ピンチのテーマ [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST38][AnimeNewMusic] 02:39
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帝劇・昼のテーマ [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST2][AnimeNewMusic] 02:17
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さくらの奮闘~上海華撃団参上! [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST58][AnimeNewMusic] 00:53
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倫敦華撃団のテーマ(バトル) [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST33][AnimeNewMusic] 04:34
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大帝国劇場のテーマ [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST4][AnimeNewMusic] 04:17
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反撃のテーマ [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST40][AnimeNewMusic] 01:52
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帰還 [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST85][AnimeNewMusic] 02:24
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神山到着 [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST53][AnimeNewMusic] 00:58
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ラスボスのテーマ [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST50][AnimeNewMusic] 03:56
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伯林華撃団のテーマ [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST24[AnimeNewMusic] 02:01
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勝利のポーズ [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST51][AnimeNewMusic] 01:17
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悲しみのテーマ [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST11][AnimeNewMusic] 03:11
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夜叉のテーマ(バトル) [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST49][AnimeNewMusic] 02:56
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ドタバタのテーマ [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST13][AnimeNewMusic] 02:23
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遊園地のテーマ [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST7][AnimeNewMusic] 02:17
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幻都のテーマ [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST46][AnimeNewMusic] 02:18
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喜びのテーマ [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST9][AnimeNewMusic] 02:52
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八丹斎の反撃 [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST68][AnimeNewMusic] 00:54
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バトルのテーマA [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST37][AnimeNewMusic] 02:15
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激しいピンチのテーマ [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST14][AnimeNewMusic] 02:15
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幻庵復活、幻都降臨 [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST75][AnimeNewMusic] 01:07
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夜叉、現る [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST66][AnimeNewMusic] 00:56
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花咲く乙女 [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST84][AnimeNewMusic] 01:11
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倫敦華撃団のテーマ [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST23][AnimeNewMusic] 02:19
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戦艦ミカサのテーマ [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST47][AnimeNewMusic] 02:46
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あざみのテーマ [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST19][AnimeNewMusic] 01:27
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上海華撃団敗北 [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST67][AnimeNewMusic] 02:15
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帝劇・夜のテーマ [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST3][AnimeNewMusic] 02:37
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初穂のテーマ [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST18][AnimeNewMusic] 02:07
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伯林華撃団のテーマ(バトル) [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST34][AnimeNewMusic] 04:01
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緊迫感のテーマ [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST16][AnimeNewMusic] 02:09
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主砲発射 [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST79][AnimeNewMusic] 01:39
Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation Текст Видео
The White Caped Phantom's Theme B 01:37
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檄!帝国華撃団 [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST87][AnimeNewMusic] 00:50
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たたかえ!帝国華撃団 [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST30][AnimeNewMusic] 02:20
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メインテーマ・出撃!帝国華撃団 [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST29][AnimeNewMusic] 02:38
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がんばれ!帝国華撃団 [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST62][AnimeNewMusic] 00:52
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檄!帝国華撃団<新章>(BGM版) [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST28][AnimeNewMusic] 02:54
Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation Текст Видео
Subtitle 00:12
Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation Текст Видео
Eyecatch 00:13
Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation Текст Видео
Subtitle (Unused) 00:12
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ダストシュート [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST55][AnimeNewMusic] 00:37
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さくらと夜叉の激突B [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST71][AnimeNewMusic] 00:33
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帝劇炎上 [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST69][AnimeNewMusic] 00:38
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さくらと夜叉の激突A [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST70][AnimeNewMusic] 00:22
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敗北 [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST39][AnimeNewMusic] 00:35
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神山出撃 [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST60][AnimeNewMusic] 00:41
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オーバースチーム [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST44][AnimeNewMusic] 00:42
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目をさますさくら [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST72][AnimeNewMusic] 00:40
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過去へ [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST82][AnimeNewMusic] 00:26
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メインテーマ・サクラ大戦 [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST52][AnimeNewMusic] 00:37
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シャオロンVSさくら [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST59][AnimeNewMusic] 00:18
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帝国華撃団、参上! [Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation OST57][AnimeNewMusic] 00:21