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The London Opera Chorus, National Philharmonic Orchestra, Richard Bonynge Текст Видео
Verdi: Il Trovatore / Act 2 - "Vedi! le fosche notturne spoglie" (Anvil Chorus) 02:50
Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera/Richard Bonynge/Dame Joan Sutherland Текст Видео
Handel: Rodelinda - Performing edition by Richard Bonynge - Act 3 - Mio caro bene! 05:08
Alicia Nafé/Richard Bonynge/Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera Текст Видео
Handel: Rodelinda, HWV 34 - Performing edition by Richard Bonynge / Act 2 - Con rauco mormorio 08:12
Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera/Chorus of the Welsh National Opera/Richard Bonynge Текст Видео
Bellini: Norma / Act 2 - Non parti? 04:19
Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera/Chorus of the Welsh National Opera/Richard Bonynge Текст Видео
Bellini: Norma / Act 1 - Norma viene 03:23
Samuel Ramey, Welsh National Opera Orchestra, Richard Bonynge Текст Видео
Handel: Rodelinda, HWV 19 - Ed. Bonynge / Act 2 - "Fra tempeste funeste a quest' alma" 02:01
Richard Bonynge, Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera, Chorus of the Welsh National Opera Текст Видео
Esultiamo! Letizia ne inondi! 02:33
Richard Bonynge, Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera, Dame Joan Sutherland, Leo Nucci Текст Видео
Da quel di che t'ho veduta 03:47
Richard Bonynge, Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera, Chorus of the Welsh National Opera Текст Видео
Evviva! Beviam! 03:20
Richard Bonynge/Chorus of the Welsh National Opera/Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera Текст Видео
Cilea: Adriana Lecouvreur / Act 3 - Dormi, dormi, o pastorello! 06:54
Chorus of the Welsh National Opera/Richard Bonynge/Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera Текст Видео
Donizetti: Anna Bolena / Act 1 - Nè venne il Re? 02:51
Chorus of the Welsh National Opera/Richard Bonynge/Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera Текст Видео
Verdi: Ernani / Part 4 - Oh, come felici gioiscon gli sposi! 03:11
Richard Bonynge/Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera/Dame Joan Sutherland Текст Видео
Handel: Rodelinda - Performing edition by Richard Bonynge - Act 1 - Ho perduto il caro sposo 06:30
Richard Bonynge/Samuel Ramey/Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera Текст Видео
Handel: Rodelinda - Performing edition by Richard Bonynge - Act 2 - Tirannia gli diede il regno 03:42
Richard Bonynge/Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera/Chorus of the Welsh National Opera Текст Видео
Donizetti: Anna Bolena / Act 2 - Chi può vederla a ciglio asciutto 05:38
Alicia Nafé, Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera, Richard Bonynge Текст Видео
Handel: Rodelinda, HWV 19 - Ed. Bonynge / Act 1 - "Confusa si miri l'infida consorte" 03:07
Curtis Rayam/Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera/Richard Bonynge Текст Видео
Handel: Rodelinda - Performing edition by Richard Bonynge - Act 1 - Io già t'amai 04:38
Curtis Rayam/Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera/Richard Bonynge Текст Видео
Handel: Rodelinda - Performing edition by Richard Bonynge - Act 1 - Io già t'amai 04:38
Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera/Richard Bonynge/Dame Joan Sutherland Текст Видео
Handel: Rodelinda - Performing edition by Richard Bonynge - Act 1 - Ombre, piante, urne funeste! 09:02
Dame Joan Sutherland/Richard Bonynge/Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera Текст Видео
Handel: Rodelinda - Performing edition by Richard Bonynge - Act 1 - L'empio rigor del fato 03:16
Richard Bonynge/Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera/Alicia Nafé Текст Видео
Handel: Rodelinda - Performing edition by Richard Bonynge - Act 1 - Dove sei, amato bene? 06:41
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Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera/Richard Bonynge/Isobel Buchanan Текст Видео
Handel: Rodelinda - Performing edition by Richard Bonynge - Act 1 - Lo farò; dirò: spietato 03:20
Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera/Alicia Nafé/Richard Bonynge Текст Видео
Handel: Rodelinda - Performing edition by Richard Bonynge - Act 2 - Scacciata dal suo nido 03:11
Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera/Richard Bonynge/Huguette Tourangeau Текст Видео
Handel: Rodelinda - Performing edition by Richard Bonynge - Act 1 - Sono i colpi della sorte 02:56
Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera/Dame Joan Sutherland/Richard Bonynge Текст Видео
Handel: Rodelinda - Performing edition by Richard Bonynge - Act 2 - Ritorna, oh caro e dolce mio tesoro 06:55
Curtis Rayam/Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera/Richard Bonynge Текст Видео
Handel: Rodelinda - Performing edition by Richard Bonynge - Act 2 - Prigioniera ho 'alma in pena 06:28
11.1 МБ
320 Кб/с
Isobel Buchanan/Richard Bonynge/Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera Текст Видео
Handel: Rodelinda - Performing edition by Richard Bonynge - Act 3 - Quanto più fiera tempesta freme 04:50
Alicia Nafé/Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera/Richard Bonynge Текст Видео
Handel: Rodelinda - Performing edition by Richard Bonynge - Act 3 - Vivi, tiranno, io t'ho scampato 03:26
Curtis Rayam/Richard Bonynge/Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera Текст Видео
Handel: Rodelinda - Performing edition by Richard Bonynge - Act 3 - Fatto inferno è il mio petto 03:27
Richard Bonynge/Curtis Rayam/Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera Текст Видео
Handel: Rodelinda - Performing edition by Richard Bonynge - Act 2 - Tuo drudo è mio rivale 02:51
12.2 МБ
320 Кб/с
Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera/Isobel Buchanan/Richard Bonynge Текст Видео
Handel: Rodelinda - Performing edition by Richard Bonynge - Act 2 - De' miei scherni per far le vendette 05:20
Samuel Ramey, Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera, Richard Bonynge Текст Видео
Handel: Rodelinda, HWV 19 - Ed. Bonynge / Act 1 - "Di Cupido impego i vanni" 04:30
Alicia Nafé/Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera/Richard Bonynge Текст Видео
Handel: Rodelinda, HWV 34 - Performing edition by Richard Bonynge / Act 3 - Chi di voi fu più infedele 07:19
13.2 МБ
320 Кб/с
Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera/Richard Bonynge/Dame Joan Sutherland Текст Видео
Handel: Rodelinda - Performing edition by Richard Bonynge - Act 1 - Morra, sì l'empia tua testa 05:45
Richard Bonynge/Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera Текст Видео
Messager: Les Deux Pigeons / Act 2 - Divertissement: No. 7 Final 02:53
Huguette Tourangeau/Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera/Richard Bonynge Текст Видео
Handel: Rodelinda - Performing edition by Richard Bonynge - Act 3 - Un zeffiro spirò 05:25
Richard Bonynge/Alicia Nafé/Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera Текст Видео
Handel: Rodelinda - Performing edition by Richard Bonynge - Act 1 - Pompe vane di morte! 02:20
Dame Joan Sutherland, Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera, Richard Bonynge Текст Видео
Handel: Rodelinda, HWV 19 - Ed. Bonynge / Act 3 - "Se'l mio duol non è sì forte" 03:05
Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera/Dame Joan Sutherland/Richard Bonynge Текст Видео
Handel: Rodelinda - Performing edition by Richard Bonynge - Act 2 - Spietati, io vi giurai 02:55
Leo Nucci, Paata Burchuladze, Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera, Richard Bonynge Текст Видео
Verdi: Ernani / Part 2 - Lo vedremo, veglio audace 02:14
Curtis Rayam/Richard Bonynge/Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera Текст Видео
Handel: Rodelinda - Performing edition by Richard Bonynge - Act 3 - Tra sospetti, affetti e timori 02:40
Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera/Richard Bonynge Текст Видео
Bellini: Norma - Sinfonia 06:08
Richard Bonynge/Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera/Curtis Rayam Текст Видео
Handel: Rodelinda - Performing edition by Richard Bonynge - Act 3 - Pastorello d'un povero armento 04:17
Richard Bonynge/Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera Текст Видео
Handel: Rodelinda - Overture 05:17
Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera/Richard Bonynge Текст Видео
Donizetti: Anna Bolena - Sinfonia (Overture) 07:20
Richard Bonynge/Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera/Leo Nucci/Richard Morton Текст Видео
Verdi: Ernani / Part 3 - E questo il loco? 03:38
Dame Joan Sutherland/Richard Bonynge/Carlo Bergonzi/Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera Текст Видео
Cilea: Adriana Lecouvreur / Act 1 - La dolcissima effigie sorridente 05:32
Richard Bonynge/Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera/Leo Nucci Текст Видео
Verdi: Ernani / Part 3 - Oh de'verd'anni miei 02:57
Richard Bonynge/Cleopatra Ciurca/Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera Текст Видео
Cilea: Adriana Lecouvreur / Act 1 - Dov'è dunque i biglietto di Zatima? 03:46
Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera/Cleopatra Ciurca/Carlo Bergonzi/Richard Bonynge Текст Видео
Cilea: Adriana Lecouvreur / Act 2 - Con la Regina a lungo favella! 04:04
Chorus of the Welsh National Opera/Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera/Richard Bonynge/Samuel Ramey Текст Видео
Bellini: Norma / Act 1 - Introduzione: Ite sul colle, o Druidi 06:50