Cappella Romana Текст Видео Sticheron idiomelon: Israel my firstborn son 04:23
Cappella Romana Текст Видео In Procession to the Mount of Olives: Antiphon 1 04:46
Cappella Romana Текст Видео At the Pavement in Hagia Sophia: Antiphon 15--Simeron krematai (Today he who is hung upon the tree) 05:46
Cappella Romana Текст Видео Stichera idiomela at Lauds: Impious and lawless people 04:06
Cappella Romana Текст Видео Exaposteilarion in Mode 3: O Lord, who on that very day 01:10
Cappella Romana Текст Видео Sticheron prosomoion at Lauds: When all creation saw you crucified 02:16
Cappella Romana Текст Видео Doxastikon in Mode 3: Each member of your holy flesh 05:02
Cappella Romana Текст Видео Stichera idiomela at Lauds: All creation was changed 02:20
Cappella Romana Текст Видео Sticheron idiomelon: When she saw you (hanging on a cross) 03:16
Cappella Romana Текст Видео At Golgotha: Kontakion on the Passion of the Lord--Syllabic melody 01:42
Cappella Romana Текст Видео In Procession to Golgotha (the Place of the Skull): Sticheron in Mode Plagal 4--The Paradise in Eden 03:01
Cappella Romana Текст Видео Kontakion for Theophany • Romanos the Melodist (6th c.), MS Konstamonitou 86 (15th c.) 01:39
Cappella Romana Текст Видео Imperial Acclamations for Constantine XI Palaiologos 02:15
Cappella Romana Текст Видео Imperial Acclamations for Constantine XI Paleologos 03:07
Cappella Romana Текст Видео Hierarchical Entrance Rite for a Byzantine Divine Liturgy VII. Dynamis 03:45
Cappella Romana Текст Видео Кондак святому Нилу Гроттаферратскому (византийский распев) 06:22
Cappella Romana Текст Видео Anagrammatismos for Theophany • St. John Koukouzelis (14th c.), MS Sinai 1566 (15th c.) 08:40
Cappella Romana; Alexander Lingas Текст Видео
Imperial Acclamations For Constantine XI Palaiologos 02:15
Cappella Romana Текст Видео Kyrie: Cunctipotens genitor • Latin chant (from Byzantine notation), MS Athens 2401 (15th c.) 03:44
Cappella Romana Текст Видео Hierarchical Entrance Rite for a Byzantine Divine Liturgy II. Hymn of the Ressurection 01:46
Cappella Romana Текст Видео Hierarchical Entrance Rite for a Byzantine Divine Liturgy III. Imperial Acclamations for Constantine XI Paleologos 03:07
Cappella Romana Текст Видео Hierarchical Entrance Rite for a Byzantine Divine Liturgy VI. Hierarchical Trisagion 08:59
Cappella Romana Текст Видео Divine Liturgy of the Orthodox Church in English in Byzantine Chant 47:05
Cappella Romana; Alexander Lingas Текст Видео
Kyrie Cunctipotens Genitor 03:44
Cappella Romana Текст Видео Hierarchical Entrance Rite for a Byzantine Divine Liturgy V. Kontakion of the Mother of God, Mode Plagal 4 04:05
Cappella Romana Текст Видео Hierarchical Entrance Rite for a Byzantine Divine Liturgy IV. Glory. Both now. 01:00
Cappella Romana Текст Видео Kontaktion for St Neilos of Grottaferrata 06:23
Cappella Romana Текст Видео Imperial Acclamations for Constantine XI Paleologos 03:12
Cappella Romana Текст Видео Sticheron Apostichon Idomelon for St Basil 03:01
Cappella Romana Текст Видео Lamentatio Sacta Matris Ecclesia Constantinopolitana 04:43
Cappella Romana Текст Видео Kontakion ('To you my Champion') • MS St. Petersburg Gr. 674 (ca. 1270) 04:03
Cappella Romana Текст Видео Sticheron Apostichon Idiomelon for St. Basil • Byzas (8th c.?), MS Ambrosianus A 139 sup. (14th c.) 02:59
Cappella Romana; Alexander Lingas Текст Видео
Kalophonic Coda For St. Basil - A New Addition 10:09
Cappella Romana Текст Видео 1 Kontakion ('To you my Champion') • MS St. Petersburg Gr. 674 (ca. 1270) 04:03
Cappella Romana Текст Видео Lamentatio sanctae matris ecclesiae Constantinopolitanae 04:43
Cappella Romana; Alexander Lingas Текст Видео
Festal Trisagion - "As Many Of As Have Been Baptized" 06:40